Everyone who has not received their Sloan Net T-shirt just take it easy.
"My man" Jon is under a lot of undo stress lately. He's got tons of work 
to do for school, only because he tries very hard to make everything so 
damn perfect. He spends most of his time working on ceramics or drawing 
for school. I'm not sure if he's finished your t-shirts yet? or just 
hasn't mailed them out yet? And all this week and next week he's booked 
to w/ all these upcomings shows we're playing. I wouldn't expect the 
shirts anytime soon. Meaning, I wouldn't expect them this month unless he 
has already mailed them off. Some people have already received theirs so 
at least all you complainers know they exist. I'm sure you all have 
enough clothes to keep you beautiful bodies covered for the next little 
while. He's not logged on to Sloan Net anymore so just lay low for a 
while. He's starting to take his frustrations out on me and I didn't even 
want a shirt. Later, Mark
SloanNet Content--What does Chris say in "marcus said' i think its pretty 

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