so what i'm doing here is rolling reviews of
*8* different musical acts that i saw on the
weekend into one post...

[friday september 29 birdland]

SIX TOO was so sickly that he couldn't even
stand up to do his raps, he sat on a chair
and delivered a mediocre set, which is as 
much as anyone could expect from someone in
his state of health.  he really looked peaked.
STINKIN' RICH always has a gimmick for his
shows, as those of you who have seen him know.
this time he assumed the role of host of the
"birdland high school lip synch contest".
he would introduce new contestants...  "hey,
first up it's 'victory jackson' (chek luv shakil
comes on stage shirtless with a toque pulled 
over his eyes) performing a song by stinkin'
rich!" then he would run offstage and perform
the rap backstage while the various 'contestants'
(such as jon hut and mackenzie) would prance
around onstage.  in his host persona he continually
acted surprised at how all the 'contestants' were
choosing to performing stinkin' rich songs:  "my
my, this stinkin' rich fellow seems to be the most
popular artist among the youth today."
high point:  rich comes out on stage 
dressed like a seventies pimp and lip synch's 
everyone's favorite soul classic, "superman lover".
low point:  mackenzie comes out on stage as "tough
old bird" and eventually moons the audience.
HIP CLUB GROOVE went from really bad to really good
and back again and everywhere in between.  it was
a really spotty set.  mackenzie was even *more*
drunk than he usually is, he didn't show up on 
stage for the final number, maybe he just passed
out backstage.  i don't think he understood what
an asshole he was being, swearing at crowd members
and stuff.  their set was very disorganized with
long boring interruptions and the crowd that had
built up in front of the stage dissipated.  mackenzie's
response:  "*fuck* ya'll!"  very creative.  anyways,
chek luv shakil showed off his madd freestyle skillz
once again, definitely the highlight of the show.  
the lowlight was definitely gordski -- this thin
white guy dressed in a backwards white ballcap and
a big bright blue-and-red hawaiian-type shirt and 
playing the part of wannabe to perfection, darting
out on stage repeatedly just to be seen on stage, and
eventually doing the most weakass number of the night
along with chek luv.  what a loser.  during the final
number which featured all the MCs in the HCG posse
(except mackenzie) they made the mistake of bringing
an actual black rapper on stage, flexman, who showed
up all the white boys by being way better.  the crowd
knew it too.  makes you wonder how many talented black
rappers around halifax don't get a break because they
don't have white rocker friends.  that's not a diss
on hip club groove.

[saturday september 30 birdland]

SANISOFT are *another* excellent duo.  it's danny,
ex of merge, and bob on drums, i don't know what 
else he's been in.  for a rock group to work as a
duo i think the drums have to be interesting, and
in this case, there's almost so much going on on
drums that it overshadows what danny is doing with
his guitar and voice.  the songs are kind of like
merge songs, but better.  new band to watch for.
ORANGE GLASS put on yet another fine show.  ask
jim, he really likes them.  ;-)  anyways, maybe
quite a few of you on the net don't know about 
them.  this is the band that features tara, as in
_love tara_ (and as in elevator to hell), and ron 
(who's also in ETH) on guitar.  what's the drummer
guy's name again?  someone tell me.  they sound
a lot like eric's trip, but much less so live
than on their sappy 7".  i think heather harkins
did an interview with ron so you should watch for
that when _tally_ #3 comes out.
THE MONOXIDES were, well, the monoxides.  here's
my most memorable quote of the week:  "YOU MEAN 
now the two people who said that to me can rest
easy 'cause i *have* seen them.  what can i say,
it's seventies fm-rock clicheville, but it is
kinda fun.  i think i would get tired of them
if i kept going to see them, though.  but hey,
what they're doing, they do it well.  they put
in a fine cover of "highway to hell" but i think
i prefer the thrush hermit version.  by the way,
the crowd was going nuts for them, in case you're

[sunday october 1 the khyber]

THE MOTES put in their scrappiest halifax set yet.
they had everything imaginable go wrong with their
equipment.  still they struggled on through a
totally over-the-top (thanks to jon hut's pounding
and screaming) version of "R62" and a rather lame
version of "hi-fly driveway".  anyways, once they
got into their groove they were pretty great and
a lame set by the motes is still better than a 
good set by most other bands.  and at $2 i couldn't
complain that i didn't get my money's worth.
especially considering that i also saw the insane
ASS-SLAPPING DADDIES which featured catano on drums,
tyler on guitar, and chris york on lead yelling,
projectile throwing, and indecent exposure.  chris
sort of pranced and swaggered around berating the
crowd in a sort of jon-spencerish fashion, but of
course the sound was so bad we could hardly make
out a word.  didn't matter, i think that when he
pulled his dick out of his pants and waved it at
us we pretty much got the point. :-)  i kind of 
thought that the throwing-things-at-the-crowd part
was an even better gimmick, not to mention the
part where he pulled his pants down and, yes,
started slapping his own ass.  well, you really
only got a side-on view.  and about the dick-waving
incident, he did it so fast that you didn't really
see anything.  so the show wasn't quite as obscene
as it sounds.  catano and tyler are a killer 
combination.  i almost wanted chris to shut up so
i could pay more attention to them.  well, what
can i say.  it wasn't boring.


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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