We are working on all ages shows for the Super friendz on their way back 
home in early Dec. cross your fingers and let us know of any places you 
have in mind.

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Tara da Costa wrote:

> hey there :)
> >
> >ok listen you pop rock kids, just because you can not mosh to something 
> >does not mean it is not cool. Yea the Super Friendz are amazing, but if 
> >you want to look a little closer at the music instead of just the "cool: 
> [deleted stuff]
> >
> >lucky for you all Al will be back through on the way back.
> unluckily (not to mention ironically) for this under-aged 'pop rock kid', the
> tour is all bar shows. 
> :( I missed not seeing Al, but oh I guess its better that the ottawa show on
> saturday wasn't allages. cos ya know, if it were, id have been moshing all
> over the place with all the other kids, making noise and knocking mic
> stands over.
> Can't wait til i'm 19. then i can get drunk and pick up babes *and* listen
> to bands play --all at once!
> til then i guess ill just have to smoke crack and do E and go to raves. 
> uh...yes, i am being facetious. no, im not mad at anyone. im just bitter
> because im sick of missing bands that i really like simply because 
> i was born a couple of years too late. 
> love,
> tara 
> :)
> --
> "The smile that you send out...
>    returns to you." :)
> -Indian Wisdom

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