On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, colin mackenzie wrote:

> ok listen you pop rock kids, just because you can not mosh to something 
> does not mean it is not cool. Yea the Super Friendz are amazing, but if 
> you want to look a little closer at the music instead of just the "cool: 
> you will find that Al Tuck has had a great influence on many of the Super 
> Friendz, both Matt and Charles played in his band. Rather than 
> discounting it as boring, perhaps you could sit down and let the music 
> sink in. Al by all counts, Chris Murphy too, is a genius song writer, and 
> if you can sit through a Sebadoh album then surely to God you can take a 
> minute and discover somthing that has not bee spoon fed to you by Much 
> Music, Spin,or Ray Gun.

by the same token, people don't HAVE to like something just because you 
or the suerfriendz do, and implying that they are dumb or uncultured or 
something because they think seeing al tuck opening for the superfriendz 
is a little weird, or disconcerting or whatever is rather rude.  

a lot of places that aren't hfx don't have the long tradition of mixing 
genres at shows - at a lot of places it's like "rap show" "rock show" 
"folk show" or whatever and people have ideas about what to expect, so 
hen they see a show like the al/sf show it's a little strange.  some 
people will react by saying that they like the mix, others will react by 
saying they don't - both are valid.  

and, just becuase you can sit through an entire sebadoh record, doesn't 
mean that you could sit through an entire lou barlow set if he was 
opening for pantera, especially if lou's sets were as long and as 
self-indulgent as al's tend to be (actually, they probably are).  al 
plays for a long long long time, and it can be a little hard to take.  i 
know lots and lots of people who don't think he's at all talented and 
don't like his music.  does this mean they are all dumb and uneducated?  
no, of course not, people are allowed to have different opinions, and 
al's music is really not for everyone.  

if you like it great, buy his records, go to his shows, etc, etc, but 
please don't try and make other (younger) people feel stupid because they 
don't.  people have the right to make up their own minds about music, and 
you telling them that they're wrong about al is no different than mm, 
raygun or spin telling tem what to like, how to dress, etc.


> lucky for you all Al will be back through on the way back.

maybe people still won't like him.  what do you do then?  

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