chris writes:

>Although I don't know where the 'math' part comes in (because these boys
>are good at math?because they play with mathematically weird precision?) I
>can say that I certainly wish there were more of those math boys and girls
>purveying their rock in Canada (let alone in Halifax--I've given up on this
>shithole since Dave Ledden and Spine left the scene). All this frail rock
>(you know what I'm talking about) is giving me the heebie jeebies!

spine would probably be the closest thing to "math rock" that halifax
has seen.  maybe horseshoes and handgrenades.  the most recent spine
material was definitely moving in a more "math rock" direction.
        boy, what really sucks is that spine left here without getting 
to record "now", a song which is total math rock and kicks serious ass.  
to boot.  (hee hee, a little "black greasy five eye" humour there for you.)
        anyways, a little spine update for the few of you that i know
are interested:  david and pandora are both working for southern 
distribution in london, a company which distributes touch&go, K, dischord,
etc, to england and europe.  guitarist jason is in london too, and
working, and trevor (drummer) plans to join them in the new year.
now all they need is a new name.  :-)


     _James R. Covey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>_    sloan net is a discussion of the
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