just got back from the eric's trip all ages show in toronto and i had a wicked
time!!! :) :)

the place was a mad house - with lots of cooler than thou indie rock kids
milling around saying "who's orange glass? who's orange glass?". it's pretty
pathetic going to an all ages show in toronto cause all the kids are
sooooooooooo *fake* (except me, of course ;)).

orange glass were up first, they took for-eeevvvvveeeerrrr to come on.
finally they started and they were pretty good. i liked them at the pop
explosion, but they didn't look as into it today. 

then eric's trip came on and they were so wicked!!!! everybody was so quiet
(except the raver girls behind me (grrr..). but it was really cool cause
everybody was so into the music. i'm not going to go through what they
played, but at the very end they were all about to walk off stage and then
rick went over to the drums and started tapping out some beats. julie was by
her bass amp and then chris came and joined rick on the drums. then rick
grabbed a microphone and started singing and ron came out and did some
feedbacky guitar stuff - it was so cool :) :) and they all left one at a time
till chris was the last one there, still playing drums, and then he got up
and left. it was really neat to see.

julie came and spoke to us after the show and gave me some tips on putting on
my *own* show, cause i'm planning on presenting one through my fanzine
(hopefully at the opera house) in january. OH! if anyone else has any tips
about presenting a show, e-mail me!!!!!!! (thanks :))

anyways, sizzleteen carol, i can't wait to see your interview with julie (was
it with any other trippers?)

ok, have a nice night :)

-=- D'Arcy -=-

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