Sizzleteen u were at this thing too? well i guess i totally missed you!
Well i DID see Shanan and Alex so it was nice ot meet them Carol u may
have seen me standing on a chair at the left side with my thee suddens t
;) neways on to the review...

I really REALLY liked orange glass and well i thought that, live, they
were the sounds of erics trip with the vocals of sloan which was cool.
unfortunately for the 7", the good music is still there but ron is
singing exactly like chris thompson sings which is exactly how rick
white sings... i hope i don't get any flames for this but really there
must be more than ONE way to sing??? anyhoo other than that the 7" is
good but i wish that super-bouncy song tara sang was there too.

And i liked erics trip way better than last time i saw them in a club, i
think the sound was better or something and guess what.. it WASN'T TOO
LOUD! it was like, just perfect. the set was cool ummm that really slow
one by julie which has just her and bass for parts was good, i liked
most of the newer stuff (or at least hte stuff i'dnever heard b4 which
may just be old like Mirror, i thought that was new but i really liked
that neways) and hmmm older stuff... girlfriend, sunlight, there were
more.. if my et-obsessed friend had internet i'm sure he could name
every single one... to show how not-et-obsessed i am guess what cd i
bought at the show... Love Tara... i'm so bad, aren't i? oh well.
And i was REALLY glad that there wasn't like a whole bunch of useless
feedback at the end, how they turned it feedback into sort of a song and
rick and ron with their backs to the audience and julie draped herself
over her amp for some reason i'm not sure why.

Supertip: don't smoke pot in the bathroom of clubs like that cuz if u
get caught like one of the friends i was there with u'll get kicked out
like she did... i guess this may be obvious but it was kind of sad when
that happened.... oh yah Shannan why didn't u want to participate in the
sex game?



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