> so last night in halifax @ birdland there was
> an all-beatles-covers night.  a bunch of local
> bands played.  my memory is already foggy but
> here goes:

yeah, really foggy brother...

> STATE CHAMPS started off the evening with
> an *excellent* version of "in my life" -- they
> totally made it their own song.  then yan
> raymond came out on stage and sang "wait"
> with them.  girls screamed.  ;-)  

*blush*. please. quite flattering, but untrue...you can take the 's' 
out of girls. thank you. :)

> MARS WE LUV YOU were really good too but
> i can't remember which songs they played.
> (i think they were all relatively new to
>  me -- i'm not a beatles expert).  on one
> of them lonna did a falsetto part that 
> was really weird/cool.

Matt, james. Matt was singing falsetto. But i agree it was quite a 
feminine falsetto indeed. :)

> SHINE FACTORY came out and it was like
> someone had flipped the radio dial to
> "classic rock Q104".  all hits, all 
> rock-and-roll-school versions of them:
> "revolution", "taxman", "helter skelter",
> one other, i forget which.

You can drive my car. 
But i wouldn't let you drive mine, cloudy brain. :)

> proceeded to prove why they're the only
> band in town that's better than thrush
> hermit.  :-)  (for those of you not in
> the know yet, TRX are joel on drums,
> ian on guitar, rob on bass.)  their
> sappy/demented version of "the long
> and winding road" was pretty good but
> their total math-rockization of
> "while my guitar gently weeps" was
> truly the highlight of the evening.
> it was like a special guest appearance
> by shellac.
> THE CHINSTRAPS came in with a close
> second for highlight of the night --
> their version of "lucy in the sky
> with diamonds" was *so* bad, but in
> the most deliberate, creative, and
> enjoyable way imaginable.  just
> imagine a sort of mellow-metal vocal
> on the verses by mike (lewis, drummer)
> with little spoken repetitions of the
> words at the end of lines by kevin
> (lewis, omnichord?), thusly: "the girl
> with kaleidescope eyes."  "eyes!" 
> and then on the chorus, mike just didn't
> even *try* to sing at all.  right when
> you expect them to break out in song,
> mike does this completely monotone 
> delivery of the chorus.  it was --
> trippy, man.  groovy.  psychadelic.
> the crowd went nuts.  does anyone know
> what the second song was?  i've heard
> it before but i forget what it's called.

Tomorow something(i forgot...). Last song on Revolver. That's were 
Sgt. Pepper all began. And that all that is the FUCKING truth.

> STINKIN RICH did a short original rap
> "sgt pepper is the hot stepper" or 

Sgt. pepper and the one man band!

> something, followed by hiphop takes on
> "michelle" and "happiness is a warm gun".
> not quite as memorable as his appearance
> at the kiss tribute night a couple of
> years ago, but not bad.

(boring momment deleted)
> COOL BLUE HALO capped it off.  in their
> first set they did an excellent version
> of "paperback writer" (got that vocal
> harmony at the beginning right) and
> a couple of others before they bravely
> attempted "a day in the life" and,
> believe it or not, *pulled it off*.
> then for the encore, they did "i want
> to hold your hand" (to a packed, bouncing
> dance floor) and welcomed cleveland
> steamer, shine factory, and lonna from
> MWLY back on stage for a completely
> cheesy rendition of "hey jude".  i
> think gerry was born to do the screaming
> part on that chorus!  paul did a really
> good imitation of, um, paul.  :-)
> lighters were held aloft.  :-)
yes, Cool Blue Halo is a good cover band. Honest rendition. i really 
liked "a day in the light"

chart of the night:
#1 : While my guitar gently whine by Tim Robbin
#2 : Lucy in the Sky with Diamond by Chinstraps
#3 : The Magical Mystery tour by Tim Robbin 
#4 : A day in the life by CBH
#5 : Wait by Backbeats featuring Liam Gallagher (Boouuu..chooouu. )
 (ha those State Champs on the stately elm.. always making fun of 

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