On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, Jon Bartlett wrote:

> but maybe you can go down to myron's or something.  jon (in catanostyle)
that's a good name for a band.  glad to know i have a style (i think...)

i never know how to interpret these backhanded compliments of yours, jon.

let's see what you nutty chuckleheads think about this:
        -there shall be no more than three (3) posts a day per person to 
        the sloan net.  offenders shall be warned and then removed from the 
this might cause some people to think before they post, it would 
eliminate the dreaded 2 line/word posts and would cut down on that 
traffic that some litle babies are whining about (digests are for weinies).

i've seen/heard of his idea being implemented on some other high traffic 
(and i mean high traffic lists, like the 250 msg a day punk list) lists, 
and sloan net is NOT high traffic at all, so maybe it might be too much, 
i don't know.  but maybe people would start to listen to those rules of 
sloan net that james sends new subscribers, like reading all of your mail 
before you respond to something, and hen maybe including several points 
in one interesting post, instead of four really dumb ones?

anyhoo, this will only work if james actually unsubs offenders, otherwise 
it'll be back to the same old say mould in no time.

just a thought.


ps - oh, and to deryl, if you don't think people jump on my ass, you 
really haven't been around here very long - and the difference between 
your random acts of senseless profanity and what i do is the fct that i 
actually try (i don't always suceed) to make some sort of point that is 
grounded in the temporal plane with what i write.  there is a difference 
between whining and criticism.  
        gordon, ned and tyler are three good friends of mine and i think 
that preppy relatives are one of the best bands in this town - my post 
was merely to express my bewilderment at what is to come.  for fans of 
PR, this will be a very different show indeed.

pps - i think "the nutty chuckleheads" is a good band name as well.

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