Mike sez:

>i think they actually make money, too.  actually i think waye makes the
>money  :)

I can tell you right now that the only record we have ever made money on 
was the Chaz Rules cassette, after 450 copies sold, we made, wait for 
it... $62.00.  Thats right kids, indie rock is not a good career move...


PS No is Coyote, Grace Babies, Madhat, Cool Blue Halo, and is NOT a 
regional label, look for singles from Len of TO and  possible album by 
a band from Edmonton (negotiations underway)... no also has brought you 
in the past, Donner Party Reunion, Essen, Chaz Rules, the first two 
released works by HCG, the first releases by Bunk, Monoxides, Plumtree, 
Burnt Black...  we are part of Original Records of Montreal, a new 
national label including ZooBone Records, and Rightwide Records.

To paraphrase Kat G.:  "of course you don't like Sappy Music Waye, your not 

 Waye Mason             : "The shooting goes well.  I borrow a .357
                        : Magnum and fire a hot slug into the forhead
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   : of a life sized stuffed Barney.  This brings
  P.O. Box 36082        : peace upon me.
  Halifax, Nova Scotia  : 
  B3J 3S9               : Kumbaya, motherfucker."

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