On Sun, 10 Dec 1995, Michael Ligon wrote:
> I have to agree with sizzle teen that they are pretty awful(well that's 

poor carol, getting misquoted like that. how can anyone mix her up with 
that idiot? :) :)

> excite me). Are there any good non-CT/murder bands that anyone can 
> suggest? 

um, everything on sappy??? elevator to hell, broken girl, orange glass, 

the MOTES. on ant records.

piggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who put out a cassette but i don't know who released it.
it's called calypso avalanche and they were the best live show at 
birdland at the pop explosion, for sure. james already talked about them 
this weekend.

preppy relatives who were so amazingly good at the pop explosion.

trike who have their own label called campfire.

and despite how much i slag them, i *LOVE* the state champs.

>I particularly like LEN whose Superstar release was I think 
> released on their own label. `Candy Pop' is one of my favourite singles of 
> last year?

but they're from ontario. 

"Richard is Richard Terfry to his   "I am the coolest guy in the
 parents, but to a Haltown Projex    whole world."
 audience, he's DJ Has Slam."              - The Planet Smashers
      - The Coast, Vol. I, No. 6    

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