On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Steve Singer <st...@ssinger.info> wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Jan 2016, Tory M Blue wrote:
>> So I'm backing up in a big way. I know what started it, "adding a new
>> insert slave which took 13 hours to complete (indexes
>> etc)".. But now it doesn't appear I am able to catch up. I see the slave
>> doing what it's suppose to, get a bunch of data,
>> truncate the sl_log files move on. But the master is having a hard time.
>> Postgres 9.4.5 and Slony 2.2.3
>> All other nodes don't have any errors or issues.
>> this is Node 1 (the master)
>> node 2 is a slave
>> node 3-5 are query slaves with only 1 of 3 sets being replicated too.
>> I have interval at 5 minutes and sync_group_maxsize=50
>> Any suggestions on where to thump it. At some point this will cause
>> issues on my master and when I see that starting, I'll
>> have to drop node 2 again, and when i add it, it will take 13+ hours and
>> I'll be back in the same position :)
> Bump sync_group_maxsize to be much bigger, I'm not saying that will solve
> the problem but it might help(max allowed is 10,000). I'm also suspect when
> you say your have a sync_interval of 5 minutes, since I thought 60 seconds
> was the largest allowed.
> My apologies

cleanup_interval="5 minutes"

my interval is 1000ms
And sync, group cites 100 is the max

# Range:  [0,100], default: 6

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