So I'm backing up in a big way. I know what started it, "adding a new
insert slave which took 13 hours to complete (indexes etc)".. But now it
doesn't appear I am able to catch up. I see the slave doing what it's
suppose to, get a bunch of data, truncate the sl_log files move on. But the
master is having a hard time.

Postgres 9.4.5 and Slony 2.2.3

All other nodes don't have any errors or issues.

this is Node 1 (the master)
node 2 is a slave
node 3-5 are query slaves with only 1 of 3 sets being replicated too.

I have interval at 5 minutes and sync_group_maxsize=50

Any suggestions on where to thump it. At some point this will cause issues
on my master and when I see that starting, I'll have to drop node 2 again,
and when i add it, it will take 13+ hours and I'll be back in the same
position :)


Node:  Old Transactions Kept Open
Old Transaction still running with age 01:48:00 > 01:30:00

Query: autovacuum: VACUUM

Node: 0 threads seem stuck
Slony-I components have not reported into sl_components in interval 00:05:00

Perhaps slon is not running properly?

     select co_actor, co_pid, co_node, co_connection_pid, co_activity,
co_starttime, now() - co_starttime, co_event, co_eventtype
     from "_admissioncls".sl_components
     where  (now() - co_starttime) > '00:05:00'::interval
     order by co_starttime;

Node: 1 sl_log_1 tuples = 219700 > 200000
Number of tuples in Slony-I table sl_log_1 is 219700 which
exceeds 200000.

You may wish to investigate whether or not a node is down, or perhaps
if sl_confirm entries have not been propagating properly.

Node: 1 sl_log_2 tuples = 1.74558e+07 > 200000
Number of tuples in Slony-I table sl_log_2 is 1.74558e+07 which
exceeds 200000.

You may wish to investigate whether or not a node is down, or perhaps
if sl_confirm entries have not been propagating properly.

Node: 2 sl_log_2 tuples = 440152 > 200000
Number of tuples in Slony-I table sl_log_2 is 440152 which
exceeds 200000.

You may wish to investigate whether or not a node is down, or perhaps
if sl_confirm entries have not been propagating properly.
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