What you'll need to have is Slony {of whatever version you want, 2.2.3, or
2.2.5}, compiled against the *new* version of PostgreSQL, which is
presumably 9.4.8.

It seems that you're using Slony compiled against the old version
(9.2.whatever), and it shouldn't be *too* surprising that there's a problem
running the resultant .so binaries against a 9.4.8 server.

You should pick a Slony version; for minimal initial difference, I'd go
with 2.2.3, at migration time, as that's the version you were running
against Postgres 9.2.

Compile 2.2.3 against 9.4.8; that'll put slony1_funcs.2.2.3.so in the lib
directory for PG 9.4.8.  That should resolve both issues ("NOT FOUND" and
"incompatible version").

There is a caveat to that "should"...  I am not sure that anyone has
actually run such a case.  I expect it "ought to work," but that's not
certainty.  (I had a chat with Steve Singer, and he had similar thoughts.)

Hopefully you're testing that against a "test" database, initially, and not
production :-)

In principle, you could compile Slony 2.2.5 against 9.4.8, but that's going
to require more complexity, and that you replace more things by hand all at

I'd rather upgrade and keep 2.2.3 in place during the Postgres upgrade.
And then, after the database upgrade, install slony 2.2.5 and use UPDATE
FUNCTIONS to perform the upgrade of Slony.
There's no facilities in Slony to help do both upgrades (DB and of Slony)
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