
"document contains no data" does mean that PHP has basically crapped itself, and
yes, it does do it at funny times.

What you can do is run Apache from withing gdb and have a look at the backtrace,
they are pretty helpful.

If you need a hand, let me know.


Roland Turner wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm in the process of (attempting to) set up a SourceForge site. I'm
> told that I'll be giving a talk about it at the SLUG meeting next week,
> so I'll save the whats and whys for then.
> I am having difficulty with this fine (cough!) PHP language, in
> particular its habit of responding to errors by closing the output and
> returning success (HTTP 200) instead of, say, generating an error
> message somewhere. In the extreme case, the web browser pops up a
> dialogue saying "Document contains no data". Perhaps the designers of
> PHP, bearing the special needs of beginners in mind, took inspiration
> from the design of Zaphod Beeblebrox's "Peril Sensitive Sunglasses". I
> have configured php3.ini for verbose logging to a file, and some kinds
> of errors do appear there, but most cause the behaviour described above.
> This would be annoying if I was developing new code in PHP, but when
> attempting to install >37000 lines of someone else's (HTML+PHP) code,
> it's a disaster. The PHP FAQ tells me that what is happening is that PHP
> is "having some trouble" and has dumped core. The former is clearly
> true, but not much help, the latter is neither, no processes are
> terminating, no cores are being dumped.
> So, I'm looking for local PHP experts who may be willing to (a) kibbutz
> and/or (b) roll up their sleevs and have a look.
> Any takers?
> - Raz
> --
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
> More Info:

Matt Allen                                      Linux/PHP eCommerce Solutions
Linux Worx                                      Linux Networking                            Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           
0413 777 771

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