Roland Turner wrote:
> message somewhere. In the extreme case, the web browser pops up a
> dialogue saying "Document contains no data". Perhaps the designers of
> PHP, bearing the special needs of beginners in mind, took inspiration

This may help you Roland. I'd sorted out a similar "document contains no data" 
problem with Linux/Apache/Php3 and found it completely went away with a compliation 
switch. I'd documented it; so here goes:

We experienced webpage crashes on php3 pages that used the eregi 
family of functions. This was found to be related to php's regular expression
handling. It was fixed by changing the Php compilation script to use this switch 


This is the section where we built php3 : 
        ./configure --with-apxs=$instdir/bin/apxs \
                                 --with-mysql=$instdir  \
                                 --with-config-file-path=$instdir/config \
                                 --prefix=$instdir \
                                 --enable-track-vars \  

Adding a "--with-system-regex" to the above switch worked like a charm.

>From :


Uses the system's regular expression library rather than the bundled one. If you are 
building PHP as a server module,
you must use the same library when building PHP as when linking the server. Enable 
this if the system's library provides
special features you need. It is recommended that you use the bundled library if 

Now this is my session running apache under gdb.
It makes me look more sophisticated than I am. 
It did tell me that the library was at fault.
(gdb) run -X
Starting program: /opt/ce/ -X
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x4035d3f7 in ?? () from /opt/ce/     
^^^^^Here's when I access one of those pages

(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x4035d3f7 in ?? () from /opt/ce/
#1  0xffffffff in ?? ()
Cannot access memory at address 0xffffffff.    

Sonam Chauhan
Electronic Commerce
Corporate Express Australia Ltd.
Phone: +61-2-9335-0725 Fax: +61-2-9335-0753

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