DaZZa wrote:
> The difference between ADSL and HFC systems is that HFC system uses a
> _shared_ carrier - it's more of a broadcast system - and ADSL is a
> _direct_ connection - you get your 1.5 meg ALL the time - not just when
> none of your neighbours are using the net as well as you.

Somewhat.  Telstra will be overprovisioning their DSLAMS, probably by a
factor of two or three.  So if the DSLAM has a 155 mbps uplink you'd
expect it to be provisioned with 200-300 1.5 mbps subscribers.

It wouldn't surprise me if they overprovision more aggressively than
this.  Who's to tell?

Regarding the pricing issue: I assume Telstra's pricing includes ISP
services (email, at least).  If so, then you're already getting $40/mo
worth of ISP value, plus always-on allegedly-broadband access.  Sounds
like a good deal to me.

Of course, the cost of moving my house a couple of clicks closer to the
Corrimal exchange may impact the economics :(

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