On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] generated:

>BRU (not BRU 2000)
>It works and isn't all that expensive (for a backup system).  The version
>I trialled maintained a catalogue of tapes on disk and chekpoints tapes
>for a quicker restore time, and used cpio/tar for the backups so there was
>a lot of flexibility.
>Ubfortunately their idea of a network backup was to backup an NFS share.
>Very poor performance and doesn't provide the option for an image backup.
>The software was also a little flakey at the time, however I have heard
>good things about the more recent version of BRU.
>Has anybody got any feedback on the more recent versions ?

I've just been setting up BRU 16.0 to backup a small network (5 hosts), and
though you've got to write your own glue script, it is network aware,
using either rsh or ssh and rmt to access the remote device.  The
example given uses rsh, and asks you to create a .rhosts file for root,
so after i finished laughing, I set up ssh for a backup user.

There's tons of documentation on their website: http://www.estinc.com


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