On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 09:36:48PM +1000, Matt wrote:
> What does everyone think is a good program
> for working out the time in other parts of 
> the world ? It doesnt have to be graphical 

A few options :

milliways:~$ TZ=US/Pacific date
Friday August 18 06:37:45 PDT 2000

milliways:~$ zdump US/Pacific Australia/West
US/Pacific      Fri Aug 18 06:38:06 2000 PDT
Australia/West  Fri Aug 18 21:38:06 2000 WST

You can get a full list of the timezones from /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo

Web-wise  http://www.whitepages.com.au/wp/time.shtml  works really well.


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