On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 01:43:16PM +1000, MacFarlane, Jarrod 
> Jobst Schmalenbach [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > That depends on your setup. If you have sendmail you
> > could set an alias in the "aliases" file of your system,
> > depending of your version it will be located in /etc/mail
> > if sendmail_version > 8.10 and in /etc if sendmail
> > version <= 8.9.X:
> I realise this, the problem is moving "existing" email that has arrived
> prior to alias creation.

Sorry, I misunderstood.

use mutt as root and start it up with "mutt -f filename" where
the filename is the users box.

then batch foward the whole lot to the users new address.


186,262 miles/second :  Not just a good idea, it's the LAW.

|            __, Jobst Schmalenbach, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Technical Director|
|  _ _.--'-n_/   Barrett Consulting Group P/L & The Meditation Room P/L      |
|-(_)------(_)=  +61 3 9532 7677, POBox 277, Caulfield South, 3162, Australia|

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