>yes but not like that.  Users shouldn't be allowed to ask for a
>specific thing like Exchange.  They should describe what they want
>to achieve and let the IT people design and implement the best 

Sure.  I wasn't disagreeing with that.

>Your "intellectual arrogance" bit is completely wrong.  Do you call
>your doctor intellectually arrogant when she refuses to prescribe
>you drug X and instead gives you a packet of cough lollies?
>Of course not (hopefully!) because you're paying for/obtaining
>their advice and services because they're an expert in that
>field and you aren't.

I probably didn't express myself properly.  I apologize for that.

I would call a doctor intellectually arrogant if they prescribed a
particular brand of medicine and refused to look at any others.  I would
call them intellectually arrogant if they dismissed alternative therapy as
"worthless feel-good crap".  A doctor should propose solutions to your
problems which include more expensive brands with chocolate coating or less
expensive brands with rough edges.


John Wiltshire

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