
I'm running Wine on Rh6.2 using the 9th Sept 2000 release without
a native windows install. I just downloaded the tarball and ran

Seems to work ok for some applications like Winzip, Paint Shop 4, 
and Netscape 4.7 (yes I can see the irony of running the windoze
version of netscape under wine), but I haven't been able to get a
single Microsoft application to work. When installing IE wine gives
this error

  FATAL: No handler for Win16 routine SETUPX.2: IPOPEN 
   (called from   030f:00b7)

And when installing Office 97, it goes though the motions then put's
up a dialog saying Office did not install.

I know it's alpha etc etc but has anyone else had any more success 
and if so what did you do?

So who's surprised that the Wine developers have been able to get
wine to run all Windoze applications except those developed by M$.
Gee shock horror, seems that MS have some undocumented calls that
no-other software vendors use. The above looks like IE is still a 
16bit app (or a least the install is).

Thanks for any advice.


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