At Friday, 29/09/2000 05:49 PM (+1100), Angus Lees wrote:
>On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 12:06:52PM +1100, Bernhard Lüder wrote:
>> No definite;y not. They would be jeapordies their ISDN product.
>> If you want a fixed IP go to IPRIMUS or ONE.NET.
>telstra certainly intend to offer static ips
>its listed under their "corporate" pricing on their web page as (from
>memory) $20/month. i presume they will also offer it for other
>(business) plans.
>when i asked the telstra rep about it i got something about "these
>will be handled through bigpond direct" and the impression that that
>isn't happening yet. (currently its all "bigpond access", and
>apparently they're different companies - i can't keep track)

I've been trying to find out from Telstra whether they plan to offer routed subnets on 
their ADSL service but it seems like no one knows a thing.  I've seen more of the 
Telstra switchboard than I have of their customer service folks.

>anyone know whats become of optus and ? are only going to sell to ISPs - who will then sell it to the end users.


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