> Whilst my preference is for Debian, the more important points are the
> apps
> themselves and an easy method of updating the CD image (this can be done
> on
> another machine). Also, if there's something off-the-shelf that does this

> already, why fart around? :)

Check out Live CD, here the blurb on it:

"Live CD is a project to create a CD that runs Linux. The CD is bootable,
and runs Debian Linux without needing a hard drive. The scripts are pretty
basic, and the setup has not been optimized for any particular

url: http://freshmeat.net/projects/livecd/
url: http://www.ocslink.com/~blunier/

Looks like exaclty what your after. Let me know if you get it working.

Mehmet Ozdemir

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