On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Gregg wrote:

> When telnetting to Neuro from Linuxbox I get "No route to host". Ping
> just sits there. However, if I go the other way (telnet (or ping)
> Linuxbox from Neuro), there is no problem at all. After establishing
> this connection once I can then freely telnet from Linuxbox to Neuro.
> /etc/hosts on both machines have listings identifying each computer.
> Another computer (hostname Laptop) has a virtually identical install of
> the same distro (RH6.0) and doesn't have the problem. Any ideas what is
> happening? I'd like to run Neuro without a video screen so telnetting to
> it (without telnetting from it first) would be handy.
What are the gateway settings on Neuro? Linuxbox?
Neuro should not have a default gateway setting as it gets it via
dhcp.  This of course assumes that dhcpd sends the correct ones (which it
appears to because Laptop works).


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