Rodos said something along the lines of:

> I updated with the details of the new
> exploit and did a screen capture of what a message will look like to an
> Outlook user.

Heh. Did you test if it worked mid-email? I, ah, don't have a copy of
Outlook around to test with. ;)

[ Also, you need to resave the PNG's up the top with "Save background color"
turned off. :) Not quite sure how useful that GIMP feature is... ]

Of course, we shouldn't do this all the time, because that would be
employing the same tactics that so annoy us about MS. :) Good material to
point out to people who think MS are above all criticism though.

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- --

        Ye shall be cursed to fall in love so easily, and yet be so
                     cold of heart as never to express it.

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