OK, so maybe I'm stating the bleeding obvious here, but here's a suggestion
for keeping this list at least mostly on-topic.


Don't reply in public
Don't reply in private
Don't flame in public
Don't flame in private

Just don't reply at all!!

Eventually (or most likely quite quickly) people will begin to get the idea.

The problem we have at the moment is that the SLUG list contains a wide
cross-section of the IT industry. That means that when you ask a NT question,
odds are that someone will reply with the answer in short order. Once that
happens to you once (or once you see it happen for someone else), then next
time you've got a question, why not post it to the list that got results
last time?

The same goes for SPAM. SLUG (and other lists, but SLUG seems the worst of
the ones I'm on) seem to get about 10 replies for each spam msg sent to the
list (even the ones in Japanese!). So instead of having to delete just one
messages, people have to put up with an entire thread on it.

So I call on everyone, IGNORE the OT's, IGNORE the SPAM's, and lets keep
the list on-topic (where it actually seems to have been for the past few


SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

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