Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Doug Stalker">
> > If there a guide anywhere titled "Debian for people who have had a lot
> > of experience using Redhat and redhat like linux distributions like
> > Mandrake who now wish to change to Debian"?
> Yep. It's:

>   man <everything>
>   apt-cache search <blah> (to find cool packages)
>   apt-cache show <blah> (to read more about those packages)

Not quite what I was after, but hopefully man apt-cache will tell me
something.  :)

So lets assume for a moment I want to get X windows working, preferably
with Helix Gnome.

Where do I start?

I need to install the SVGA server - I'm sure it's on one of the three
CDs, but how do I get it off there?  Man Xfree86_SVGA won't tell me how
to install it in the first place.

I need to configure the server once it's installed - how is this done
under debian?  Does debian have a central configuration thingy I can
use?  There is xviddetect, but it just tells me it isn't sure what the
card is and gives a list of poassabilities - the last one of which is
Riva TNT2, the correct choice.

What if I don't have a network connection?  Having the system update
itself over the net is great, but I wan't to be able to burn stuff to CD
at work and take it home to install.

 - Doug

  Network Operations Engineer - Big Pond Advance Satellite
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