<quote who="Angus Lees">

> you could just install task-helix-gnome. hopefully that would end up
> pulling in all of X too.

(I won't say anything about not relying on the Helix packages to be
as absolutely top-notch as the mainline packages...)

8< uninformed comments about potato given that I haven't used it much at all
really ;) 8<

> under branden's new X packages (experimental Xfree 4 ones), there's a
> new tool "dexter", which does a good job of giving you a working X
> setup with minimal interaction. XF86Setup is xfree's own config
> tool. its really quite nice.

Alternatively, try Conectiva's xf86cfg. (How many permutations of X, Free,
86 and Config can we turn into a filename?)

It's perky and graphical and swanky and broken most of the time but if there
are pretty pictures that makes everything alright. *breath*

8< snip dpkg-scanpackages wisdom I shall store in the back of my mind 8<

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- http://linux.conf.au/ --

     She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had already      
                                  lost it.                                  

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