Dean Hamstead wrote:
> <rant>
> Is it just me or does it only seem to be the little isps
> affected by this net downage. I can barely maintain an icq
> connection and yet my cable friends seem to be hammering
> down the files.

My ISP runs through Ozemail, then Optus and for the last six months,
connectivity has been getting worse. If I want to fetch a file, it is
definitely a wget job. The last couple of days means that I can not even
see Zip (Pacific) to fetchmail my Slug mail.

> some decent downloads. Even pacific seemed slugish at work
> today. (no pun intended)

Given that someone has posted on another list that the Paddington
exchange is well supplied with batteries and generator, I don't see how
the electricity substation explosion should cause this effect. I
understand that the cut Singapore cable is not a major component of
Australia's internet connectivity

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
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