Having made an effort to see just how many modules i could compile
into apache, by personal record stands at 

which isnt a bad effort.

anyway, mod_perl isnt stable as a DSO. So its best to compile in.
in the mod_perl dist file there is a whole bunch of INSTALL.* files
giving runs downs on installs with ssl.

disregard ssl specific stuff and tell apache to use the "so" module
i usually go for "speling" also.

let mod_perl configure apache
make mod_perl
go in to the apache dir and make it also then install it
go back into the mod perl dir and install it

then untar php go into its dir and point it at your new apache install
it will work nicely via dso. I havent tried compiling them both in.

if you dont want php just comment out the php stuff. apachectl will 
quickly tell you if youve missed anything when "start" apache

other than thats its just a matter of config files.


Michael Lake wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Am having a bit of a prob gettting httpd to start again after compiling
> in mod_perl.
> Using apache 1.13.2 on SUSE 6.4 mod_perl=1.24
> did "perl Makefile.PL, make, make test, make install" ok in mod_perl It
> of course needed the apache sources which I duly pointed it to and it
> make with no probs.
> It created the new httpd binary and I just copied that to /usr/sbin
> replacing the old version (yes I have a backup). Now I didn't do a make
> install from the apache source tree as I gather from reading the
> instructions that the make mod_perl goes into the apache tree and does a
> ./configure, make for you. Indeed it was traversing that tree as I
> looked at teh messages that flashed by.
> The error is:
> init.d:# ./apache start
> Starting service httpdSyntax error on line 197 of /etc/httpd/httpd.conf:
> Invalid command 'LoadModule', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
> not included in
> the server configuration
> This line is:
> <IfDefine PHP>
> LoadModule php3_module /usr/lib/apache/libphp3.so
> </IfDefine>
> <IfDefine PHP4>                                         <----line 197
> LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/libphp4.so
> </IfDefine>
> Do I make install from the apache tree as well as a make install from
> the mod_perl or what?
> I gather that it is trying to load modules that arent there or not
> compiled in.
> Mike
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Michael Lake
> Active caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.
> Safety Convenor, Australian Speleological Federation
> Owner, Speleonics (Australia)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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