<quote who="Jason Rennie">

> I just did an upgrade to my newly installed debian box (from potato to
> woody) from aarnet and a bunvh of stuff broke. Any ideas on how to fix it?

A paste of the upgrade output would be helpful. :)

> The bits that broke where my network setting, the network card is detected
> but doesn't come up on boot. The /etc/network/if-up.d/ directory is empty.

Have a look at /etc/network/interfaces, and man interfaces. Very, very nice
way to configure your network stuff (/etc/sysconfig begone!)

> Zope is broken. It chucks an error when it starts up. Is zope needed ? I
> don't need it for anything, does the os ? IF not then i guess i'll just
> remove it.

Why would Debian require Zope of all things? :)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- http://linux.conf.au/ --

      I must be getting old... Buying toothpaste with gel in it is no       
                       longer an Absolute Necessity.                        

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