----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 10:28 AM
Subject: [SLUG] Help needed with html form and perl script

> Hi,
> One of our students submitted a 'Guestbook' perl script as part of her
> assessment. We were able to assess it for the things we needed, but it
> doesn't quite work (so no full marks of course!). I am going round in
> trying to see what I am doing wrong so am asking for help.
> When the submit buttonis pressed on the form the data is sent in the new
> URL but instead of the perl script running it loads into the browser
window as
> text. It is called guestbook.plx (have tried cgi as an extension as well)
and it
> has 755 as it's permissions. What else do I have to do? Or how do I test
> perl script without the html page?

You obviously haven't set up the CGI properly.

CGI's must be run through a real web server for a start [testing them dry
using just a web browser won't cut it].  And the web server has to recognise
that its a CGI script, and hence treat it as such. Also, since this is
obviously a Perl CGI, you'll need to have Perl installed properly on the web
server host.

So far, this is not your student's problem - but your own.  When properly
installed, if it works properly, then you really have no right to deduct
marks for this feature "not quite working" - you shouldn't penalise students
for your own ineptitude.

You'll have to pardon my contempt, but I've had annoying experiences with
staff on web related courses who clearly did not understand the topic
anywhere near as well as I do.

Given you appear to be running Apache 1.3.9 on www.olmc.nsw.edu.au, this is
the quick and dirty.

In your config, you should have a `ScriptAlias' corresponding to the cgi-bin
directory you wish to use.  Alternatively, you could specify Options
+ExecCGI in the apropriate <Directory> section, but that requires that
you're more careful with your exec bits on the other files in your web tree.

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