I've occassionally used kwrite and noticed to exit you can just hit ESC, 
that's one keystroke. That has to be as easy as it gets. kwrite also has 
context sensitive highlighting too. It even has a visual mode! However vi is 
the only one true editor :)


On Thursday 07 December 2000 06:40, Rodos wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Jeff Waugh took a dig and wrote:
> > Ever the pico user, Rodos! :P
> >
> > alias :wq=exit
> Ow, that hurts Jeff, pico! I could tolerate emacs or even gnotepad+ at a
> pinch, but pico!
> Opps, I am writing this in Pine and am therefore using Pico, agh I have
> been fooled. Quick ^_ ... :set tw-=74 ahh, thats better, now I am back in
> familuar teritory.
> Must admit that vim does a nice job of syntax highlighting the email text.
> The signature is a different colour as is the quoted text!
> Who uese :wq anyway, ZZ is one stroke less.
> ZZ

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