I'm hoping someone can help me with a lilo problem.

I recently built a new box for an upgrade, and used a KT7 Abit
Motherboard that has hardware support for raid via a second IDE
controller, a Highpoint HPT366 (ATA100). I have installed Linux on the
first raid controller (later to be raid0 on both raid controllers) as
master, and am keeping a Win2k setup on the first normal IDE controller
(ATA66) as master for the odd game and compatability. I have a CDROM on
the second normal controller as master, and so far, that is all the
devices on the two controllers.

I've got HPT366 support compiled into a 2.4 kernel, and I use append
ide=reverse to get it to boot of the linux hd. This also has the effect
of switching the controllers locations, so that /dev/hda is now the
linux drive and /dev/hde the win2k. I've tried switching all the drives
in fstab and lilo.conf and not using reverse, but lilo hangs at LI.

My problem is that I cannot set up lilo to boot win2k. It sees windows
in the opposite position to where it will be at boot, so either it
installs it in the wrong place /dev/hde, or it produces a Fatal error,
because it can't find anything bootable where i'm telling it Win2k is
(which is where it /will/ be).

I have tried using append ide=reverse for all images, which did not
work. I then hacked the source for lilo to remove the check for whether
the drive was bootable, which worked fine on running lilo, installing
both drives, but then hung at "L?" on boot.

Can anyone suggest any way that I can make this work. I've had a look at
Grub, which looks generally pretty cool, but I can't see much evidence
in the docs that it would solve my problem, or even that it could handle
the basic reversing. I'm just in the process of wading through the lilo
manual now, but I'd be really grateful for any tips.


Martin Richards

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