Thanks to Dazza and others who have responded.
DaZZa wrote:


> Satnet is out there, and it works -

I hope they run it better than their WWW pages -> which karks it
this morning. It took multiple goes yesterday to locate and download the
Ihug Satellite pages (basically 300hrsfor $60/month and only capital

>  their Linux drivers are pretty good -

That is good to know.

> it's only mono-directional, though {I.E. download only, the upload still
> goes through a phone line}.

Most are. The other stuff is big $$$ from what I know and I would
probably have to move (too many trees).
> I haven't seen anyone with a bi-directional satellite link yet.
> If you want something from NA you're going to be shit out of luck. The LEO
> {low earth orbit} satellites used for this kind of internet link stuff
> don't have the footprint to cover Aus _and_ the US. Geosync satellites do,
> but the latency through them is _terrible_.

I wanted something that uplinked out of USA as over 50% of the Internet
is regularly unavailable at times. I suspect there are some very bad WWW
configs in OZ somewhere. Now even Telstra is stalling out. I went to
check some (02) telephone numbers for call costs and the WWW pages
stalled out. Stupid WWW design really - having to troll through four
pages to get results and 99% of the data was god awful graphics. 

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:  
   WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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