DaZZa wrote:


> Out in the sticks, see if you can get onto Chello Broadband - I went for a
> job with them, and their concept is great - not satellite, but HF radio,
> and bi-directional. If they're around, it could be worth looking at.

Nah - Chello don't want to talk to anyone. I've sent around a dozen
emails over months and never received a reply. Their WWW sites doesn't
even follow basic business principles; like where do I find. I don't
care really which way (sat/radio). The important point seems to be to
avoid UU.Net. That seems to be the choke/problem point in all my US

> > Most are. The other stuff is big $$$ from what I know and I would
> > probably have to move (too many trees).
> You could always cut them down. :)

F%^k that, I'd do with out a computer first. This place has turned into
the Sahara desert since all my brainless neighbours started cutting out
trees. The street is like an oven in summer. They have taken out six big
trees since we moved in here. 

Besides, I'm the only place in the street with a real live swing from a
tree - look out for Swingcam in Jan 2001 {:-)
> Ew. Dream on, mate. Not for no $60 a month, anyway. You're talking
> bi-directional, high bandwidth, low latency satellite feed direct from the
> USA?

Where do Ihug, etc have their uplink? I always thought that these were
in the USA.

Whilst I'd ideally like a faster uplink for www.woa.com.au, it doesn't
generate income, so it is not a likely consideration at this stage.

> Wanna buy a bridge instead? :-)

I don't think it is gunna help.

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} Ph(02) 4627 2186 Fax(02) 4628 7861  
   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.woa.com.au  
   WOA Computer Services <lan/wan, linux/unix, novell>

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

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