Hi All,

I'm hoping a sendmail guru may be able to help me.. - I have to machines colocated at 
work - vorlon.rendrag.net (which receives mail for rendrag.net plus a couple of other 
domains), and localhost.gumbynet.org (which receives mail for gumbynet.org, and relays 
for box3n.gumbynet.org, which is behind a 56k link back to my home).

Everything has been working just sweet for quite a while now.. - Vorlon got a 
reinstall about two months ago because of a hardware problem, and after the reinstall 
everything was working great.

Then last night, I decided to move all of my users accounts over to localhost (I host 
about 15-20 friends' websites/domains/email).  The apache part of things went 
perfectly, and I thought the sendmail part went fine as well, but when I woke up this 
morning, I had a flood of SMS's from people saying mail was bouncing..  As it turns 
out, things are totally screwed up, and I'm at a loss to explain why..

vorlon now only handles rendrag.net email
localhost now handles users.rendrag.net, infosurge.rendrag.net, vhosts.rendrag.net 
(these three are all the same IP - the first two CNAMEd to vhosts, which has localhost 
as its MX), gumbynet.org, fjear.net, d00dr.net, and saboteur.cx, and relays for 
... in theory ... 

In practice,  this isn't quite happening right..

vorlon still thinks that {users|infosurge|vhosts}.rendrag.net are local hosts, and 
localhost things that box3n.gumbynet.org is a local host

I have totally removed sendmail on both machines and reinstalled (dpkg --purge 
--force-depends sendmail && rm -rf /etc/mail && apt-get install sendmail), and yet 
they still try to deliver those domains locally, rather than giving a relaying denied 

-- test of mail.rendrag.net (vorlon) --
damien:silurian:~% telnet mail.rendrag.net 25
Connected to mail.cbr.rendrag.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 vorlon.rendrag.net ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian 8.9.3-21; Tue, 19 Dec 2000 
10:41:50 +1100
helo test
250 vorlon.rendrag.net Hello silurian.isa.net.au [], pleased to meet you
mail from:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
250 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender ok
550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown
550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied
221 vorlon.rendrag.net closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.
-- end of test --

So it's trying to deliver mail locally, but it does give the correct relaying denied 
error for other hosts - just not the hosts associated with vhosts.rendrag.net (all 
CNAME'd to it..)

I'm off on a month's holiday tomorrow (Yeah, I know I *really* shouldn't have made 
such large changes before going away, but It's something that's been on my todo list 
for a while now, and really needed doing before I went away), so really need to figure 
this out today...

Has anyone experienced this problem before? (Both machines are Debian 2.2) Are there 
config files anywhere outside of /etc/mail that I might need to be editing/deleting?


Damien Gardner Jnr   -  Dip.EE  StudIEAust
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  http://www.rendrag.net/
Ph: 0417 055 052     -  Fax: 02 6255 8663
-- Everyone thinks I'm psychotic except my friends deep inside the earth.

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