<quote who="Alan Lee">

> Im looking for an email server, which is easy to install, easy to config, and
> keeps working.  Its required to be able to support multipical domains

Gosh! You must be talking about Postfix! :)

I've tried almost everything else (if you cite an esoteric MTA on Freshmeat
that no one in their right mind would use, that doesn't count), but I don't
have time for anything but Postfix or Exim these days.

The rest are just a PITA.

[ One popular feature of the minute is missing in Postfix tho; if you want
to do external filtering during processing, it won't be your best bet.
Filtering on delivery, sure. ]

> and would be nice to have a web interface to it..

Ugh... Whilst we're on it, I need a web interface to HTTP. ;)

Lots of people have recently mentioned to me that Webmin is pretty cool.
It's in my 10 Foot Bargepole category of software (with friends such as
linuxconf), but the Postfix plugin seems to work well, and the contextual
help is quite good.

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------- http://linux.conf.au/ --

                 ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.                  

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