>> > qmail's smtpd via inetd is inefficent, making you use the author's silly
>> > tcpserver thing (which is just as bad IMO). More cruft to install. :/
>> tcpserver is a godsend, and not at all cruft. Logging via IP, and defining
>exactly what can and can't connect is a Good Thing[tm]
>IP filtering is your protection and IP access logging layer.
>And *NO* high performance system should ever run out of a inetd/tcpserver
>style system.  You're introducing unnecessary overhead, and this *WILL*
>force your load up every time.

This is a furphy. qmail can run standalone also. With IP filtering and
logging too.

I won't comment on the other points. Some have some basis, some just
come down to personal preference and adaptability.

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