On Sun, 7 Jan 2001, Michael Lake wrote:
> > Also, it's time to purchase a new monitor. Anyone know if flat screens
> > are common yet ... and cheap? Are they worth it?
> Well I have seen some and they look very good but they are very pricy.
> If you are really short on desk space (esp depth) or you want
I have got a DV150 (15") which is very nice. Apart from the fact that it
doesn't do some of the refresh rates it is supposed to in the manual it is
beautiful and pricey (2.2k). Oh yeah, a graphic artist was going to buy
one and had a look at this one and decided it wasn't worth it
yet. Apparently, because the colour changes slightly when you change
viewing angle was enough to make them worried...
I can actually watch this thing much longer than a CRT so it works out
well for me.
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