On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 03:20:27PM +1100, David Kempe wrote:
> > Ewwww, linuxconf. There are better ways to do it, and they all don't
> involve having a stupid system configurater listen on port 98.
> Stupid or not, linuxconf doesnt have to listen on port 98 to work properly.
> Just comment it out of inetd.conf and run it from the command line and it
> works fine.
"Works fine" - If you call working fine replacing config files with what it reckons 
are "sane" - then yes, it does.

> Sure it has some errors in parsing scripts and may break stuff etc - which
> is an difficult problem for any configuration program that has to handle
> many differnt config files, daemons etc
Linuxconf is __STUPID__. It ties the user into using it, and if you break it with 
linuxconf, you have to fix it with linuxconf. A little hard when the machine won't 
boot, no? Linuxconf is a badly written POS, and it forces the config files to change 
when it runs on startup. One of reasons I like Debian, but one downside is that 
linuxconf is apt-get'able. 

> I reckon configuration programs are useful for some things, tho im yet to
> see one that handles everything perfectly.
If you assume all configuration is done in config files that are readable text, I have 
- vi(m), elvis, emacsen, joe, etc....
*ducks, running*

> Dave
> -- 
> SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
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  "I'm a sysadmin because I couldn't beat a blind monkey in a coding contest."

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