Im pretty sure squid will use more memory if it has too
i recall reading something to that effect when configuring
PCC's proxy cluster.

Squids FAQ is pretty ace ;)


>>> Squid.
>> That would explain trhe delay - swapping. I think squid designed
>> more for using lots of memory, and many users. But check the manual
>> - you can probably change the config to use less memory.
> I've already set cache_mem to 2 MB. Despite this, it's using 23 MB.
>>   Has anybody compared different web proxy filters lately? Does squid
>> have any advantages for home/single-user use?
> It has the advantage of allowing me to use the same proxy software at
> work and home, and to copy (with minor tweaks) the config files.
>>> The proxy is on my router/firewall. It doesn't get logged into, let
>>> alone run X!
>> Then 16MB ought to be plenty. You dont need ram to cach web pages.
> So I thought. But it's chewing up a fair bit.
>                               Regards,
>                                       Richard....
> Permanent: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Current:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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