On Wednesday 24 January 2001 16:44, Crossfire wrote:
> Two projects/efforts already are/are-trying-to do this.
> 1) LPP - Linux Project Patch.  Kernel Patches to give a graphics boot
> screen & progress bar during a boot using fbdev.

Cool. I've found it through freshmeat and it looks excellent
Also they have themes so I'll have to look at how they solved the problem of 
changing the image without recompiling the kernel (if you can infact do that)

> 2) Rapture - (No source release yet - I'm still hacking on it).  System to
> be run early in init to hide the boot messages, and give you pretty little
> boot icons as the system comes up.  also uses fbdev.

Also sounds cool. Maybe it's something that should work in combination with 

First thing I'm doing when I get home is to put GAG and LPP on my box :)


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