At 09:04 AM 5/02/01 +1100, Jamie Honan wrote:
> >>transfer Fidonet packets {if you don't know, don't ask - you're probably
> >>too young anyway!} via the internet/IP.
> >
> >Eeeewwww;.......  <flashback time>
> >
> >Wasn't there a C version of this (written, as I recall, by a Minister
> >from Manly) ??
> >
> >Let me see if I can contact him and ask..
>Apolgies, couldn't resist:
>A programming Minister from Manly,
>needed Fidonet packets handily
>said he, with devlish glee
>I'll translate this Pascal to C
>And is now contactable randomly

All I can say Jamie is "PLEASE don't give up your day job !!!"

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