>  (*) he's concerned that the open-source business model could stifle initiative
>      in the computer industry.
>  (*) Open source is an intellectual-property destroyer

No, Open Source is just intellectual-property people have chosen to give 
away. MS can still sell its slop. If it was say... removing patents
then it would be an "intellectual-property destroyer".

>  (*) I can't imagine something that could be worse than this for the
>      software business and the intellectual-property business

As opposed to NT server and application pricing?

>  (*) The result will be the demise of both intellectual property rights and the
>      incentive to spend on research and development

MS only cares because they cant buy it.

> and the winner is:
>  (*) I'm an American, I believe in the American Way. I worry if the government
>      encourages open source, and I don't think we've done enough education of
>      policy makers to understand the threat.

Sounds like cold-war propaganda. Lol. MS are really peeing their pants 
at the moment. Its quite obvious that Linux is rocking their boat.

And i dont call a 1 hour wait and then being told to reinstall windows 
"support" or any kind. www.linuxdocs.org is support ;)


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