<quote who="Paul Cameron">

> Sounds like it. Probably more an artifact of the unstable debian branch,
> but still, I'm not forgiving Gnome for becoming slower than mozilla.

Okay... So which parts of *Gnome* are slow? :)

> I like having all of the screen to myself, and minimising distractions.
> For me, distractions are fancy window decorations, sound effects
> whenever I so much as look at my wm, image background. fvwm doesn't
> require much configuration to give that to me.
> To each their own. "That's very pretty, now give me a fucking xterm"

Ah, so that's it.

See, now you have no excuse to be using fvwm. ;) I've mentioned it before:
Use lwm. It's beautifully small. [ See sig. ]

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------- http://lazarus.aphid.net/ --

      "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
       configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm       

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