> Can you explain the sentence "Or they assume you get DNS setting from MS
> extensions to PPP"?  I suspect this might be the issue for a couple reasons:

the extensions to PPP allow the server to allocate not only you IP but
you DNS and other settings...

you can setup linux to get this info too, but i have never tried it...
> 1) It looks like I have configured my password and
> user id for the connection correctly
> 2) The modem sounds like it successfully handshakes, but then
> the connection just never completes.

have a look at /var/log/messages (as someone else suggested) because PPP
will print any errors there...
> 3) The previous ISP gave me DNS numbers to use, but Netspace never
> gave me any.  And when I poke around Windoze while I'm
> connected, I cannot find any.  (A little knowledge can be
> dangerous.  I'd heard about DHCP and thought Windoze might be
> using it, but that my Linux wasn't doing it properly.  Upon
> further reading, I believe DHCP is only for ethernet connections,
> and does not apply for modem connections.)

from http://www.netspace.net.au/macsetup.shtml...

your DNS ips are:

a couple of things, once the handshaking stops, can you ping one of
those IPs?
and, what does the output of ifconfig look like?


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