On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Andrew Reilly wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 10:02:47AM +1100, enterfornone wrote:
> > Even if there was a Linux WP that was better than Word, the fact still 
> > remains that if your job involves using a word processor, chances are you
> > will need to know Word.
> snip >  Word .doc files
> just aren't portable enough (even between different versions of
> Windows and Word) for their purposes.  The PDF files will always
> look the same, and the recipient doesn't have to have exactly
> the same setup as them.

Hmm.. . the wonderfully portable Word: Macintosh word 6 files are not
readable by Windows Word 6, although WinW6 is readable by Mac97. Word 4 is
not readable by anything at all, I believe (UPGRADE! PAY!). I can't
remember the other combinations that don't work, although I know there are

StarOffice reads all the word formats, both Mac and Win. But then again,
you don't have to pay for that, so it can't be any good.

Personally, I use Nisus Writer for my wordprocessing, but I don't imagine
anyone cares, and why should they? For the record, Nisus reads and writes
Word formats that all versions of Word will read ;-) Nisus Writer is also
cost free.

I figure that if you can't work out a wordprocessor in ten minutes, what
are you doing being PAID to sit in front of a computer anyway?

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