If anyone is considering responding to the below, please e-mail me off line.

I have some first hand experiance/information that you should be aware of.

rgds to all,


> Dear All, 
> We would be most apperciative if you could circulate this email to anybody
> that you think is helpful to us in this email. 
> As the above subject. We need a team of Linux experts who can teach from 
> Basic Linux 
> Linux System Adminstration 
> Linux Device Driver Kernel 2.4 
> Linux Embedded Systems Enging 
> Linux Networking 
> Security Adminstration. 
> Or any of the above courses. 
> Do please revert soonest as the compensation is very attractive. 
> We would only quote you a figure if we see your CV, 
> 2 pages of your past Linux Experiences. 
> Like Where, When & how long is the training, 
> For how many people & what topic is Linux on. 
> I look forward hearing from you & I will be grateful if you could leave your
> contacts like Pager and Handphone number so that we could contact you & time
> would given for preparation 
> The Recruiter for Linux Courses 

"DOS Computers manufactured by companies such as IBM, Compaq, Tandy, and
millions of others are by far the most popular, with about 70 million
machines in use wordwide. Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that
cockroaches are far more numerous than humans, and that numbers alone do
not denote a higher life form."       (New York Times, November 26, 1991)
| Greg Hosler                           i-net:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |

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